Daily Archives: June 27, 2011

Falling Skies: Captive Critters And Culinary Arts

Tell me a story.

We'll get through this, kid.

Continuing on immediately after the end of “The Armory,” “Prisoner of War” took us to the hospital where Maggie had previously seen some of the harnessed children being taken to. When scouting the area for Ben, as well as the amount of resistance that they will face in the extraction, Tom’s unit is discovered when a loose piece of rock is accidently knocked off of the adjacent building to the hospital – their vantage point. Retreating to the second Mass.’s base – a local high school – the team is met with some news.

Colonel Porter had returned to the second Mass. ahead of schedule because of a potential breakthrough in removing the harnesses by one of his science team – Dr. Michael Harris. When we meet Harris, it is revealed that he was once in a group of survivors with Tom and his entire family – including wife Rebecca – and was with her when she died. Dr. Harris – having posited how the harnesses manage to kill the host when removed – has discovered a clever work around to their structure, his only problem is that he has no one to test the theory on. Despite wanting to save all of the harnessed captives, Tom’s team is ordered to bring back only Ben when they return to the hospital.

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True Blood: What Time Is It?

What did I miss?

Yeah, some stuff's been going on.

If a show in recent history has found a stranger way to come back to our screens, I need to see it, because the return of True Blood made me feel like I was watching Lost all over again. Before getting into exactly what wrinkled my brain about the premiere of the fourth season of the show, it’s probably a good idea to recap last season’s events and how they lead up to what we got given last night.

The third season as a whole introduced us to an awful lot of things in the world of True Blood, the most notable of those being the vampire hierarchy and the fact that Sookie is a faerie. The finale left us with a mass of information to take in, and several cliffhangers, again, notably: Sookie’s distain for the fact that Bill had been a servant of the vampire queen since his arrival in Bon Temps and that Sookie was headed off into faerie land with her faerie godmother.

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Friday Night Lights: Moving On. Or Not.


We'll figure this out.

Friday Night Lights returned on Friday with “Don’t Go,” an episode that despite being almost entirely about football, featured none whatsoever. As rumors of coach Taylor’s offer to coach college football in Florida begin to spread throughout the town, some people begin to work to keep him in Texas, whilst others look out for their own futures.

The episode began with coach Taylor’s meeting with his prospective employer and the introduction of their extremely lucrative offer. Whilst when the idea of leaving Dillon for a college team was brought up he was initially hesitant, Eric’s desire to provide the best possible life for his family, and his own personal aspirations, have him far more interested the second time around.

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